Sunday, January 30, 2011

Faith is Taking the First Step

With God’s Word as our engine and the Holy Spirit as our thrust, we are wise people, we have places to be, and things to do!  We are anointed!
Our "mantel" is anointed to do a job!

Martin Luther King, Jr. said,  “Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”

It is time to step out in faith and do your job for the Kingdom of God.
How?  You “position” your heart based on the “end” result desired, the “what” that is to come.  In other words, you do not dwell on each transaction, trial or tribulation along the way as you walk out your journey towards your destination.
Your attitude must go before you!  Choose to rejoice in all things.  Not because it feels good at the time, but because in faith, you know God will work it out for His good, and yours too!
Luke 10:20 (The Message Bible) 
All the same, the great triumph is not in your authority over evil, but in God's authority over you and presence with you. Not what you do for God but what God does for you—that's the agenda for rejoicing."
You make a difference.  Even if all you help is just one starfish, at least that one starfish was blessed by you!
                                         painting by Mark Kuhne (Starfish on the Reef, 18 x 24" acrylics)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

You Can and Do Make a Difference!

From Bible Illustrations - Bible Illustrations – A Treasury of Bible Illustrations:
"Your witness makes a big difference as you walk with Christ in this world. It is important to guard yourself from the "young man" who wants to represent you. Don't be discouraged! Your Christian life lived out makes an impact on those who are watching you. Look closely at this story and apply it to your walk:
Practical Illustrations - Practical Illustrations – Volume 9: Galatians-Colossians.203. One by One
A young man, walking along the beach at dawn, noticed an old man ahead of him picking up starfish and flinging them into the sea. Catching up with the man, the youth asked what he was doing. The answer was that the stranded starfish would die if left until the morning sun.
"But the beach goes on for miles, and there are millions of starfish," countered the young man. "How can your effort make any difference?"
The old man looked at the starfish in his hand, and then threw it to safety in the waves. "It makes a big difference to this one," he said.
The attitude of many, in today's churches, is, "since we cannot completely deal with the problem, we will not do anything."

James 2:26
“Faith without works is dead.”
James 1:22
“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”
We need to be doers of the Word.
If we only are hearers we are “deceiving” ourselves, we have made a “serious spiritual miscalculation.”

How is your faith?  Increasing?  Worse, decreasing?  Is your faith with or without works?  Is your faith dead or alive?
Sometimes we lack faith in what the Bible tells us.  We allow doubt to creep in.  We must dig deep, move up and build up our faith!  Now!
Why?  Because an increase in faith is not just about you, it is also about those you are called to serve.
Philippians 2:3-4
3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.
4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
God fashioned you – He knew what He was doing.
Faith with works requires that we use our unique talents—the giftedness He gave to each of us—are for others.  Develop your gifts to the fullest.
In Christ,

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tree of Life DVD about to be released!

"Tree of Life, A Contemplative Prayer" the DVD proof has been approved and will begin production.  Shown above is the cover; below is the image on the disc.

Finished product will be available in February!  Christ Family Church International, Eden Prairie, MN, has placed the first order.

Sunday, January 9, 2011