Tuesday, March 1, 2011

God must control you for Him to give you His help...

You must give God the helm of your heart.  God must control you for Him to give you His help.
Practice these 8 things and God will help you:
1.     Get right with God: confess and repent of leaning towards sin and darkness. Pray in the spirit often.  Cover everything with the blood of Jesus. Meditate in the Word. Worship, sing, and praise.  Invite the Holy Spirit to show you tangible ways to demonstrate your faith.
2.     Set your mind on the Word.  Read, study and meditate on the Word!  Read other books that help you improve your walk and help you grow spiritually!  Try the Tree of Life, A Contemplative Prayer meditation DVD.  At $8.95 it provides great rewards with little risk: order at www.OvercomingForLife.com.
3.     Add action to your faith: pray to help and heal others.  Set your vision higher than the natural.
4.     Pursue spiritual gifts: lay your hands on your belly and pray, "Lord I ask that You stir up and manifest the gifts of the Spirit within me."
5.     Practice your faith.
6.     See and hear God’s voice: if you can’t, get help from your pastor.  Look for signs and wonders in daily life.
7.     Associate with the anointing. Go to where you know God is moving.  Receive impartation of power through association.  Get into the right church.  How do you know it is the right church? Are people growing spiritually?  Examine the fruit of the church and those who attend.  If it is not much more than a Sunday social club, prayfully consider checking out other churches. 
8.     Be motivated in love.  If all you care about is you, your family and no more, you are missing the point.  As Christians we are called to edify the body of Christ, His Kingdom!
The book Giving God the Helm, Overcoming Storms of Adversity now available in paperback at Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=giving+god+the+helm

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